Heart Attack In Women - The Signs Could Be Misdiagnosed

It is common to hear of men having heart attacks, but women also suffer from heart attacks. And as women get more hours of work outside the home in addition to taking care of families, it is likely that heart attacks in women will continue to increase. Increased stress can damage the heart and its blood vessels.

In this article, you will know how heart attack in women can have different symptoms from those in men.

What is Your Target Heart Rate?

What is your target heart rate? Why is it important to know before engaging in any type of exercise? What is the target heart rate formula?

If you like to do aerobic exercises, you need to be sure that your heart can handle the amount of activity you are doing. Some people think they should work hard and push themselves to the limit. But, the thing is, you need to consider your target heart rate if you want to take care of your heart.

Target heart rate refers to the rate your heart has to beat so that it performs 60-80% of its maximum capacity. If your heart rate goes above 80%, you will put too much strain on your heart and you will go into anaerobic activity. If you exercise with your heart rate below 60%, you heart will not benefit that much from the aerobic activity.

So how do you calculate your target heart rate?

target heart rate formula

Stroke and Heart Disease - How To Reduce Risks

A stroke is often called a brain attack, which is just as severe and life threatening as a heart attack. Most often, a stroke is due to a blockage of a blood vessel in the brain, which stops blood flow to a particular area. This type of stroke is called an ischemic stroke.

If a stroke occurs when a blood vessel or aneurysms in the brain bust causing bleeding into the brain, it is called a hemorrhagic stroke.

Stroke is related to heart disease because deterioration of blood vessels can cause both conditions. In atherosclerosis, plaques (composed of hardened fat and cholesterol) could build up on the arterial walls of the arteries leading to the brain. When the plaques narrow down or block the blood vessels, it can reduce or stop oxygen supply and blood flow to the brain. This is a thrombotic stroke.

Another type of stroke called embolic stroke occurs when a blood clot somewhere in the body breaks off, travels through the bloodstream and then cuts off blood flow to the brain.

A non-fatal stroke can result to serious brain damage with the following observable effects: paralysis, loss of speech, problems with thinking and loss of memory.

Can stroke be prevented?

10 Heart Healthy Cooking Tips

When you want your family to have healthy hearts, aside from encouraging them to exercise, it is critical to help them have a good diet. As a mom of 5, it is my duty to use the proper cooking techniques that can help in reducing the fat and cholesterol in the food I serve to my family. When cooking healthy meals for the whole family, you’ll lower everyone’s risk of heart disease.

Let me share in this post 10 heart healthy cooking tips that you can easily implement whenever you cook at home.

1. Use healthy oils

Using healthy oils in cooking is a great first step in improving your cooking. Olive oil and canola oil are the best oils because they’re monounsaturated. I use canola oil since it is cheaper.

Heart Healthy Food Ideas When Eating Out

Most people nowadays eat on the go, that’s why many fast food chains and restaurants are really flourishing. Eating home-cooked meals is inherently healthier, but if you must eat out, you can still choose to have heart-healthy food if you want to. Here are 7 food suggestions and guidelines for you to maintain a heart-healthy diet when eating out.

What is Atherosclerosis and How to Prevent It

Atherosclerosis is another term for arteriosclerosis. Both terms sound complicated and an average person may not know what they actually mean.  But in simple terms, it means hardening of the arteries.  Atherosclerosis is a condition that does not just happen all at once.  It would have developed over years before you can be diagnosed with it.

Throughout your lifetime, fat and cholesterol mix together with other material and start to line the walls of your blood vessels.  This mixture is known as plaque.  Over the years, the plaque turns hard and becomes thicker.  This can cause the narrowing of your blood vessels and could even totally block them if it goes without treatment.

Heart Disease Prevention - What You Can Do About It

While it’s true that heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the US, even in the Philippines, for both women and men, it’s also true that you have some control over certain risk factors that lead up to heart disease, even reverse some of the symptoms if they’re caught early on.

Heart Disease is considered as a lifestyle disease, which means its primarily caused by lifestyle choices such as diet and lack of exercise. This is good news because it means that we can do something to have adequate control over it.

What is a Heart Attack?

When someone has a heart attack, everyone knows that something very serious happened.  But many people don’t actually know what’s going on with one of the body’s most important organs.

A heart attack is the common name for the medical term myocardial infarction.  During a heart attack the blood supply to a portion of the heart is cut off.  When this happens the muscle cells of the heart can actually be damaged or die.  This causes the formation of scar tissue in the heart.

Why Do People Develop Heart Disease?

Coronary heart disease tops the cause of death in the world, so many people are worried about this disease. One way to avoid this dreaded condition is to be aware of the actual causes of heart disease. There are a number of reasons why a person might have a heart condition. It is important that people know about these reasons:

How Do You Maintain a Healthy Blood Pressure?

In the previous post, it was mentioned that one of the most important numbers you need to monitor concerning your heart is your blood pressure.  Again, blood pressure is the amount of force exerted on the walls of your blood vessels as blood passes through. The normal blood pressure value is less than 120/80.

If you're experiencing high blood pressure over a long time period, you might be at risk for heart disease. It’s crucial that you do everything you can to lower your B.P. If your doctor diagnosed that you are with high blood pressure or if you have a family history of high blood pressure, then you need to do all you can to lower your B.P.

How do you lower your blood pressure?

Heart Health Numbers You Need to Know

Although most people are interested in having a healthy heart, many probably do not know exactly how heart health can be measured.  Actually, there are a number of basic measurements that you need to take note of regularly to be sure that your heart is in optimal condition.